AuthorThiel, Walter. author
TitlePhotographic Atlas of Practical Anatomy I [electronic resource] : Companion Volume Including Nomina Anatomica and Index / by Walter Thiel
ImprintBerlin, Heidelberg : Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 1997
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Descript XVIII, 844 p. online resource


Walter Thiel's brilliant photographs are unique. They revolutionize macroscopic anatomy because - due to a new preservation technique developed by the author himself - all tissues retain their living colour, consistency and position. For the first time anatomical sites show the real colour and form of human organs as well as their true positions. Thiel's new technique, his exceptional abilities as a photographer and the filigree dissections add up to vivid, almost artistic illustrations of great depth and clarity. Apart from the topographical anatomy of abdomen and lower extremities, Part I illustrates the most important punctures of joints and some surgical approaches. Thus, this atlas is not only of interest to anatomists and pathologists, but particularly to surgeons and orthopaedic surgeons


1 Subcutaneous Fat of the Anterolateral Abdominal Wall -- 2 Subcutaneous Fascia and Abdominal Regions -- 3 Anterior Wall of the Rectus Sheath in the Midabdominal Region -- 4 Superficial Layer of the Anterolateral Abdominal Wall -- 5โ6 Middle Layer of the Anterolateral Abdominal Wall -- 7โ8 Deep Layer of the Anterolateral Abdominal Wall -- 9 Inguinal Region in the Male -- 10 Inguinal Region in the Female -- 11 Exposure of the Superficial Inguinal Ring -- 12 Examination of the Superficial Inguinal Ring -- 13โ16 Structure of the Spermatic Cord -- 17 Deep Inguinal Ring -- 18โ26 Inguinal Hernia -- 27โ28 Incision for Abdominal Dissection -- 29โ30 Opening of the Peritoneal Cavity -- 31โ35 Position of the Viscera Relative to the Abdominal Incision -- 36โ39 Approach to the Gallbladder and Hepatoduodenal Ligament -- 40โ41 Stomach and Omental Bursa -- 42 Vestibule of the Omental Bursa -- 43โ44 Omental Bursa -- 45โ46 Large and Small Intestine -- 47 Attachment of the Jejunum and Ileum -- 48 Position of the Duodenojejunal Flexure and the Mesenteric Roots -- 49 Cecum and Ascending Colon -- 50โ54 Cecum and Vermiform Appendix -- 55 Omenta and Vessels of the Stomach -- 56โ57 Vessels of the Upper Abdominal Organs -- 58 Nerves of the Upper Abdominal Organs and the Extrahepatic Biliary Tract -- 59 Gastroduodenal Artery and Right Gastroepiploic Artery -- 60 Duodenum and Head of Pancreas -- 61โ63 Pancreas, Duodenum, and their Adjacent Vessels -- 64 Elevation of the Duodenum -- 65 Vessels of the Mesenteric Pedicle -- 66 Nerves and Vessels of the Mesenteric Pedicle -- 67 Ileocolic Artery and the Mesenteries -- 68 Vessels of the Vermiform Appendix -- 69 Distribution of the Superior Mesenteric Artery -- 70โ71 Vascular Supply of the Large Intestine -- 72โ77 Retroperitoneal Space -- 78โ86 Perineal Region in the Male, Anal Region, Urogenital Region -- 87 Pudendal Region in the Male -- 88โ91 Perineal Region in the Female -- 92โ94 Urogenital Region in the Female -- 95โ99 Perineal Region in the Female -- 100โ104 Subinguinal Region -- 105โ108 Anterior Femoral Region, Superficial Layer -- 109 Lacunae and Fascia Lata -- 110 Femoral Triangle -- 111 Anterior Femoral Region, Femoral Nerve -- 112 Anterior Femoral Region, Circumflex Arteries -- 113 Anterior Femoral Region, Obturator Nerve -- 114 Anterior Femoral Region, Femoral Artery -- 115โ118 Adductor Canal -- 119โ124 Posterior Femoral Region -- 125โ134 Gluteal Region, Infrapiriform Foramen, Suprapiriform Foramen, Lumbar Region -- 135โ143 Lateral Approach to the Hip Joint -- 144โ149 Posterior Region of the Knee -- 150โ154 Posterior Crural Region -- 155 Medial Aspect of the Knee and Lower Leg -- 156 Medial Retromalleolar Region -- 157โ162 Anterior Crural Region -- 163โ168 Dorsum of the Foot -- 169โ176 Sole of the Foot -- 177โ184 Hip Joint and Puncture Sites -- 185 Position of the Greater Trochanter -- 186โ198 The Knee Joint and Puncture Sites -- 199โ207 Joints of the Foot, Puncture Sites, and Tendons


  1. Medicine
  2. Human anatomy
  3. Internal medicine
  4. Orthopedics
  5. Pathology
  6. Surgery
  7. Medicine & Public Health
  8. Anatomy
  9. General Surgery
  10. Orthopedics
  11. Pathology
  12. Internal Medicine