การศึกษาประสิทธิภาพและความปลอดภัยของการใช้ยาไมนอกซิดิลชนิดรับประทาน ขนาด 5 มิลลิกรัมต่อวัน ระยะเวลา 24 สัปดาห์ ในการรักษาภาวะผมบางจากพันธุกรรมในเพศชาย / เศารยะ เลื่องอรุณ = A STUDY ON EFFICACY AND SAFETY OF ORAL MINOXIDIL 5 MILLIGRAM DAILY DURING 24-WEEK TREATMENT IN MALE ANDROGENETIC ALOPECIA / Saoraya Lueangarun
Background: Topical minoxidil is well established for its ability to treat hair loss and enhance hair growth. Nevertheless, the efficacy and safety of oral minoxidil in male pattern hair loss treatment has never been evaluated. Objectives: This study sought to evaluate the efficacy and safety of oral minoxidil for the treatment of male androgenetic alopecia (AGA).Materials and methods: All men aged 20 to 60 years with AGA types III vertex to V according to modified Norwood-Hamilton classification, were treated with oral minoxidil 5 mg daily for 24 weeks. The efficacy was analysed by the 3 expert panels and investigator assessment of global photography using standardizing 7-point rating scale, the hair count, hair diameter, and the patient self-assessment. The safety profile was closed monitored using both physical examination and laboratory investigation.Results: A total of 30 men with the mean age of 38+10 years and the mean duration of baldness of 12.9+11 years, were enrolled. Expert panel Photographic assessment of vertex area revealed 100% improvement (score > +1). Remarkably, 43% of patients were excellently improved (score = +3). Longer treatment duration signified the efficacy outcomes; the median (range) score increased from 2 (-1 - 3) to 3 (3-3), and the ratio of excellent improvement increased from 6.7% to 43.3% at 12th and 24th week, respectively. Furthermore, oral minoxidil significantly increased the total hair count at the vertex from baseline to 26.0 (14.25%) and 35.1 (19.23%)/cm2 (p<0.05) at 12th and 24th week, respectively. The frontal area also showed significant response but less than the vertex area. All individuals had a remarkable improvement in the seft-assessment. The common side effects included hypertrichosis (93%) and pedal edema (10%). Conclusions: Treatment with oral minoxidil 5 mg. daily for 24 weeks significantly improves the hair growth in all male individuals with AGA from increasing the expert panel assessment of global photography at the vertex area for at least one score for 100% of the patients and is relatively well tolerated with minor side effects of hypertrichosis and pedal edema. This medication can be the treatment option for AGA. However, the contraindications and safety should be concerned. Moreover, larger randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trials with longer follow-up period are warranted to determine the long-term efficacy and safety