AuthorKaplan, Robert M
TitleHealth and human behavior / Robert M. Kaplan, James F. Sallis, Jr., Thomas L. Platterson
Imprint New York : McGraw-Hill, 1993
Descript xix, 556 p. : ill. ; 24 cm


Methods and issues--introduction--Behavioral epidemiology--Understanding and changing health behaviors--The health care system--Compliance with medical regimens--Life stress--Stress and coping--Social support--Chronic lllnesses--Pain and arthritis--Diabetes--Cardiovascular diseases--Cancer--The acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS)--Injury,violence,and substance abuse--Health behavior and health promotion--Dietary risk factors and interventions--Physical activity--Smoking--Obesity--Person factors:personality and demobraphic influences on health--Community interventions --Summary--For those interested in more information about the field of health psychology


  1. Clinical health psychology

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