AuthorChaniga Silpa-Anan
TitleA Study of Chulalongkorn University First Year Students' Competence in English = ความสามารถในการใช้ภาษาอังกฤษของนิสิตจุฬาลงกรณมหาวิทยาลัย ระดับปีที่ 1 / Chaniga Silpa-Anan
Imprint Bangkok : Language Institute, Chulalongkorn University, 1978
Edition Adstract : The objectives of this research were to study the relationship between the scores from the CULI Proficiency Test and the grades in the English coures from the CULI Proficiency Test and the grades in the English course of 1st year students, the paralels between different forms of the CULI Proficiency Test, the problems in each of the skills of students in different faculties and the influence of the socioeconomic background data of the students on their achievement in English. The sample was 2800 1ST year students of Chulalongkorn University in 1976 and another 2800 in 1977. The daa used were test scores from CILI Proficiency Test Form A, Form B, Form C and Form D, grades from English courses and student background data. The Multiple Correlation Analysis Technique, the percentile rank comparison, the mean of proportion and the comparison of X by one-way ANOVA were used.
Descript 316 p


  1. education
  2. ethnic groups

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